Good offer?


New member
Is $1500 ($100 per month) a good cost for a hosting software? Someone is creating this for me from scratch, it will re semble some what of IPB 2.0. With the third months payment (totaled $300) i will receive the full rights of the software. Is this good?
I think the price is very low for a quality custom software. If you were to hire a professional team of people who would vouch for their results, I can see the cost go beyong at least $3-5,000. Be careful, I hope they will not resell the source code after you pay for it in full.

One thing I definitely happy to hear is that they didn't quote you $150. ;)

One thing I definitely happy to hear is that they didn't quote you $150.

I have recently purchased a custom script which serves as the backend of my website for a low price...much lower than quoted by other parties. There was nothing wrong with the level of work and i am happy with the outcome, it goes to show that sometimes its not too good to be true. :)
How do you know they are not reselling the script?

Most of these "custom" scripts that are very low in cost, you will find all over the internet in a few months.
Blue said:
How do you know they are not reselling the script?

Most of these "custom" scripts that are very low in cost, you will find all over the internet in a few months.
Unfortunate, but true.

Even more so. There are better ways to program some things. I just did a vbulletin 'hack' for someone and this is something you have to take into consideration. Imagine something like this... A forum of this size with over 3,000 members. I had to basically create a complex query which returned 25 of the top members in a category. The way most beginning programmers would have coded this is to loop through each member then for each member do another loop to count the total. In other words you're going to pay for what you get. I looped through 25 times and used one query, the results were the same compared to the over 3,000 extra queries that had to be ran. So just keep this in mind when you are purchasing custom coded backends. ;)
I completely agree, that the amount you paid was a bit low.

We generally only give deals like that to friends, and family.

We're currently working on a brand new control panel (almost complete). We've considered selling the rights to it a bit later, but definately could not see it going for anything less than $4k-$5k

You need to be really careful with these lowball deals. You DO get what you pay for, and just because you haven't noticed the downside just yet......I'll place money on the fact that you will eventually.
I think that is very good price for original hosting software. We've done a CMS for one of clients for a simmilar price without any e-commerce stuff in it