Good day hosting-talk

New member
Good day site point
I look foward to my stay here at sitepoint forums for alot of reasons not only that time goes on and I end up having less and less time for my self but I want to make site point my home and my communitys home I am that host that is going to be known and I want to start right here at site point I want here to be my home no where else. So that way when I am big I will have an site to look back to and say they were their with me all the way and to my clients "I just want to say that this will be my last year speaking to you all as we continue to grow. I find that I have less and less time to speak to our users. I want to get to know all of my users so that next year when I am not here I will still have the request and taughts from my clients so that way I my self will know what it is like to be on the users end and hopefully that way I can continue to improve our services and over all make webhosting simple. I gladly appreciate all the users than host with leamhost and want to wish them an wel and wonderful experience with their websites till the next time we speak again community.
Sincerely Administrator"

I am proud to be a new member of site point and wish to enjoy my stay here to all members may god bless you an have an good day.
But this is Hosting-Talk not sitepoint forums.
You didnt happen to copy and paste that from a post you made in sitepoint did you :D

Ah well, good to have you here anyway :)
Hope you stick around and enjoy it here.
Thanks for joining,

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