Go GVO Review


New member
Name and URL of hosting company: gogvo.com
Hosted URL(s): www.gogvotitanium.com My affiliate site! for gogvo
Description of service(s) used: Reseller plan titanium level
How long have you been using the service(s): 2 years plus
Detailed review: The CEO Started as a reseller. the bandwidth is generous... note the figure stated on the sales copy is increased dramatically as part of the sales process.... They are marketers.
The support they supply to the rebranded resellers covers the clients of the reseller. The support is good, genuine.
Cpanel, WHM,fantastico,etc... 50 plus scripts for databases shopping carts etc...
Pros: Strong Marketing. Unlimited auto rep... Video hosting... 10 seat conference room... Lots more selling points usp's everywhere Multiple Income streams
Cons: Sometimes the offers to existing members are not quite what they should be?... Some favoritism of the A listers in a marketing sense, That irritates... It should be a level playing field
Would you recommend this company to your best friend? Yes I would a he did it to me. I joined this company while still on a years contract with blue host... And I stayed.
Out of curiosity, you state 2 years hosting experience with this host but the URL you provide was only registered recently, within the last 5 weeks.
Do you have the URL you have had hosted with them for the 2 years stated?

In fact the gogvo.com URL was only registered in May of '09. Did they operate under a different name and/or URL prior to that?

Also, why would a host in business for 2+ years be have a "pre-launch" site initiated in 2009?
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Out of curiosity, you state 2 years hosting experience with this host but the URL you provide was only registered recently, within the last 5 weeks.
Do you have the URL you have had hosted with them for the 2 years stated?

In fact the gogvo.com URL was only registered in May of '09. Did they operate under a different name and/or URL prior to that?

Also, why would a host in business for 2+ years be have a "pre-launch" site initiated in 2009?

Maybe he's been with wwkiosk,the same company,just rebranding.
If that is the case I would think it would be important to mention that in a review.

Not sure why he/she would review a company that has only been in business for only a few months though if he had 2 years actual experience with another company, even if they are "the same company".

If a person drives a Pontiac G3 car for two years and switch to a Saturn are they going to say they have been driving a Saturn for 2 years?
TOTALLY OFF-TOPIC, but did you hear Saturn is closing shop?! I always thought they were stable and made solid cars.

But ON TOPIC - I'm with Blue on this. Even when there's a takeover of the same business, there's still usually a banner warning of "under new management - we'll see how it goes" or something.