Get Professionally Prepared ToS/AUP/PP Templates for $34.99!


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Our comprehensive Legal Protection Kits have been developed by people who know this industry. We know what makes it tick. More importantly, we know where the risk can be. Our Legal Protection Kit can DRAMATICALLY reduce your liability- even prevent some lawsuits altogether and save you hundreds of dollar!

Webmaster/WebDesigner Protection Kit 1.0 (WWPK)
Our newly released Webmaster/WebDesigner Protection Kit or (WWPK 1.0) offers rock solid protection and peace of mind to webmasters and designers. WWPK includes Terms Of Use and Privacy Policy templates and are designed to limit the site operator's liability. Also, include is our "TOS" Powered by banners. WWPK templates are designed to be used with e-commerce and informational websites. Price - $25.99

Wholesaler/Upstream Protection Kit 1.0 (WUPK)
Our latest protection kit, Wholesaler/Upstream Protection Kit, was developed to provide the best legal protection for web host wholesaler. WUPK template is designed to be used with webhost resellers. Price - $99.99

Webhost’s Reseller Protection Kit 1.0 (RPK) **BEST SELLER**
Our Webhost Reseller Protection Kit 1.0 is the most robust suite of legal forms available in the world today for webhost resellers! Whether you choose to purchase the complete forms package, or invest in individual forms for your specific needs, you too can enjoy the security in knowing that you are protected! This small investment is well worth the peace of mind you get in knowing you are protected! Price - $34.99

Our TOS, AUP, and PP were developed by a veteran lawyer with more than 12 years of experience in all aspects business law, including protection of intellectual property, drafting and negotiation of service contracts, drafting of standard terms and conditions for Web based services, and Web site legal compliance.

Our legal protection templates will be sent to you in a zip file and in MSWord and PDF file formats. These templates purchased individually cost approximately $34 to $124.

Order Today! Send Paypal payment to : sales [at] hostlegal [dot]com.

For more information, visit us at our website:
"Legal Forms for the Hosting Industry"