Gaming Machine Needed

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New member
Ok, there isn't a forum for dedicated requests, so I guess I'll post here. Mods, feel free to move as necessary :)

I and my gaming clan (yeah, I'm a gamer as well) are looking for a dedicated machine to be used for running 2 Half-life servers and 1 teamspeak server.

Here are the specs we are after:
Processor: Minimum AMD Sempron 2600 or =
HD: Minimum 40G
Ram: 1024
OS: Windows (more idiot-proof than Linux, and runs HL better)
Location: Dallas area (best latency for all US members)

Our price range is right around $100 a month, give or take.

I've found 2 so far that fit the bill, but I'm trying to cover all the bases here, and thought this would be a good place to ask.

Any offers, feel free to post here, or contact me by email or private message.
Ok, apparently no windows machines out there, so how about linux machines? Same specs on hardware, with 1000G or more bandwidth? Actually, we could probably do what we are after with a 2.4 or equivalent processer, for that matter.
Hi Jim,

We are currently running a special on the following:

We have 5 of these servers in stock.

Pentium 4 2.8Ghz
512mb RAM
1,000GB Bandwidth
10 IP Addresses
Private VLAN
Linux OS: CentOS, Fedora Core, Trustix

*If you need windows, we offer Win2k3 Standard and we can give you a little discount as it is an extra cost. If you are interested, please use the link below to order or contact us directly through our helpdesk.*

To Order, Click Here

CAn some one please when posting there server specs tell about the line connectivity also wheather its 10mb or 100mbit that would really help decide.
Ok thanks for the line speed but just wondering here and sorry for asking here are u guys sponsoring some freee server cause i need one for a really small game server called mta which itself is only 3 mb of size and uses less than 1%cpu and 5 mb ram at full load . And i dont wana pay like 10$ permonth for a 26 player server which is actually worth nothing .it should be totally free.

But sorry again for posting here.
link107 said:
it should be totally free.
And tell me link107, just because it is small in space and low on
cpu usage why should it be free? Incase you hadn't noticed, space, bandwidth and equipment isn't free - therefore anybody providing anything for free without some sort of crafty revenue input scheme is making a loss.

And unfortunately, nobody likes to make a loss, when the same machine they've split up for free, could be helping pay towards their transit, co-location, knowledge and equipment costs.

As much as providers would like to throw resources at people for nothing, it, fiscally speaking, is very difficult to achieve.
Yes, havent we all tried to get a free server for sponsorship? eH link? yawn im about to give up finding my own, might as well pay for it but my server would cost alot more than yours link =\ so its harder 4 me . . . considering im a poor Canadian =\ (eH)
DestinyPrevails said:
Yes, havent we all tried to get a free server for sponsorship? eH link? yawn im about to give up finding my own, might as well pay for it but my server would cost alot more than yours link =\ so its harder 4 me . . . considering im a poor Canadian =\ (eH)

Everyone is poor dude noone is rich even the richest person finds himself poor when he compares himself to the next richest person.

And Wow this thread is old and the original poster has not even replied yet.
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