Gameserver sponsor for NoLimit Clan

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New member
Hi there,

I'll keep this in as short as possible for you all.

I am one of the commanders of the NoLimit Clan.

We as a multinational clan offer several known games
America's Army 2.8.5 and 3.0 (3 servers paid by members)
Left 4 Dead (1 server paid by members)
Call Of Duty 4 (no server yet, waiting for new release)
Battlefield 2 (no server)

Yet, i'm looking for sponsorship for the last game, Battlefield 2.

A little background on our clan:
-We exist since 2006.
-starting with Americas Army, expanding to World Of Warcraft and lately, took in 3 new games.
-170 members on america's army, still growing, with daily several new recruits
-started our own league on AA 2.8.5 which brought in 7 clans/weekend
-known website (we switched from host like a month ago)
-our own Teamspeak server with 100 slots

what I can offer
-Your company logo, or link on the gaming server
(there is space for a sponsor logo, we have several Photoshop guys in our clan to create a logo with your link in it)
-and scrolling messages on the gaming server itself while in game.

Thanks for your time
I know it is not that short as i said ;)

Contact us on our forums or privatly through my email:
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