Fully developed web hosting site for sale.

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Host Extraordinaire

Fully developed domain name and custom web design. I was going to launch a web hosting business before my vacation but when I came back, my partner completely bailed, so now I've decided to sell it.

The site is completely turnkey developed and custom. 100% original.

You will receive full ownership of everything, the domain and design just like you created it yourself.

I am taking offers, but my asking price is $200. So, basically if someone offered me $200 they would get this on the spot.

For newbies: Consider this like an ebay auction, you can place bids, but the buy now price is $200.

Do note, no clients are to be sold as this was going to be a start up business, but my partnered bailed so I got the screw job. So consider this a good start for a new business, or a good acquisition.
Too bad your partner bailed, Travis. You have a great setup ready to go there, good luck with sale.
It would help, I think, telling people more about your network, if you are reseller-based, etc.
Thank you for your advice. Sale is cancelled. I restarted the business on my own. See the topic "Kids Hosting" for more information.
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