Freelance PHP MySQL Programmer (6 yrs) looking for jobs @ flat-fee/per-project basis


New member
Hi All,

I'm a PHP/MySQL Programmer with about 6 yrs of experience in building web applications.

Checkout my online portfolio linked in my profile page to know more about my skill-set , projects , experience , client references & contact info.

Following are the type of small / contract jobs that I take:

* Creating Custom scripts
* Wordpress Installation / Customization / Plugin integration / theme integration
* Joomla Installation / Customization / Plugin integration
* phpBB Installation / Customization / Plugin integration / theme integration
* Paypal IPN , Paypal website pro integration
* payment gateway integration
* Member signup with email verification & login with session authentication
* Dynamic PDF File generation from the database information using FPDF libraries
* Command line processing of PHP scripts
* Installing CAPTCHA security code for the forms
* Google Maps API to display a location with pop-up info
* XML parsing to database
* CSV parsing to database
* RSS feeds using Carp
* Handling File uploads
* Generating statistics reports from the database values
* Generating Graphical reports from the database values
* Generating Excel download from the database values
* Working with complex queries in Mysql console
* Building application with SEO friendly URLs
* Installing MySQL , Apache , PHP , SVN , AWStats & software apps in linux boxes

I can also take up bigger projects with proper specification documents along with the UI/HTML prototypes.

As a verified Paypal Business member with about 70 seller reputation , I can accept Paypal & Credit card payments.

Can provide client references based on request

Please do contact me for further details , if you have any jobs.