*FREE USB DRIVES: The deal your host doesn't want you to know about**


New member
We are offering killer deals on all our plans! Not to mention the deal-a-day special!

Don't be fooled by major oversellers. This is the real deal, no worries of us disappearing overnight! We are going on our 5th year in business!​

dotServing delivers 4 industry leading guarantees - 60 day money back guarantee, 99.9% uptime guarantee [Uptime History], 90 Minute
Response Time on Pre-Sales Questions
and 60 Minute Support Response Time Guarantee.

Heres our deal-a-day specials:

Monday: Free Gas Card!
Signup on a Monday and receive a free gas card from Exxon Mobil or Esso! Value on gas card varies between $5-$10! We will mail you out 1 gift card from Exxon Mobil (U.S orders) or 1 Esso gift card (Canadian orders).
Offer only valid in U.S or Canada. We pay the shipping and handling!

Tuesday: Free USB Thumb Drive!
Signup with dotServing on a Tuesday and you will receive one free Memorex 512 MB USB Flash Drive! Use it to store Data, photos, music and video's! You could also use it to store a backup of your website, or put Portable Thunderbird on it and take your email everywhere!
We pay the shipping and handling! Click here for details!

Wednesday: Buy 1 month get 2 free!
Signup on Wednesdays, purchase 1 month and get 2 months free! That's right, simply make your first months payment and we will give you the next 2 months at NO CHARGE!

Thursday: Free Carabiner!
Signup on Thursdays and receive a free carabiner! Clips to belt or purse, holds keys, cell phone and much more, comes with a clock
We pay the shipping and handling!

Friday: Free FM Radio!
Signup on Fridays and receive a free FM radio! Radio includes handy LED light, earbuds, batteries, and two-color gift box, and autoscans for radio stations. Translucent red, purple, blue and green - all with silver trim.
We pay the shipping and handling!

Saturday & Sunday: 2X Days!
On Saturday's & Sunday's we are offering double the space and double the bandwidth at no additional charge! Signup now and we will double the space and bandwidth of any of the plans at no additional charge!

+++++++++Our Hosting Plans+++++++++
dot-1 Hosting Plan
1000 MB Space
30 GB Transfer
$7.95 USD per month
dot-2 Hosting Plan
2000 MB Space
60 GB Transfer
$14.95 USD per month
dot-3 Hosting Plan
3000 MB Space
90 GB Transfer
$19.95 USD per month
dot-4 Hosting Plan
4000 MB Space
150 GB Transfer
$29.95 USD per month
dot-5 Hosting Plan
500 MB Space
5 GB Transfer
$60.00 USD per year

+++++++++Our Reseller Plans+++++++++
dot-a Hosting Plan
2000 MB Space
45 GB Transfer
$13.00 USD per month
dot-b Hosting Plan
4000 MB Space
75 GB Transfer
$19.95 USD per month
dot-c Hosting Plan
6000 MB Space
100 GB Transfer
$24.95 USD per month
dot-d Hosting Plan
1000 MB Space
20 GB Transfer
$83.40 USD per year

Questions? Shoot us an email at sales@dotserving.com or PM me!

Please note, to prevent fraud all accounts require voice confirmation before being setup.

John Morris
dotServing.com - entering our 5th year in business!
Uptime History