Free SSL with Domain

I was also wondering about this didnt know much about the subjext myself and googling it brough some contradicting answers.

The best summary I coulf find was this :
Yes, they’re not all the same. They have different types like Domain Validation SSL (DV SSL), Business Validation SSL (OV SSL), Extended Validation SSL (EV SSL), Wildcard SSL, Multi-Domain SSL.

A certificate authority issues a different types of SSL certificate as per business needs. Let’s discuss the types:

Domain Validation SSL (DV SSL)

Lowest level of authentication certificate
Issued very quickly
No company information is checked
Situations where trust and credibility are less important
Use only for web-based applications that are not at risk for phishing or fraud
Avoid using for websites that handle sensitive data
Business Validation SSL (OV SSL)

More secure step up from DV
Checking up on ownership of the domain name
Carry out additional vetting of the organization
Company information is displayed to visitors on the certificate
Public-facing websites dealing with less sensitive transactional data
More thorough vetting process than DV
Company information is displayed to users
Provides a certain level of trust about the company who owns the website
Extended Validation SSL (EV SSL)

Gold standard in SSL certificates
Rigorous Validation Process
Shows green browser address bar and the name of the legitimate website owner
E-commerce sites and websites handling credit card and other sensitive data
EV Certificates come with the green browser address bar
Increase user trust and lower bounce rates and shopping cart abandonment

Easyhost you seem knowledgeable about this is this a accurate summary ?
I was also wondering about this didnt know much about the subjext myself and googling it brough some contradicting answers.

The best summary I coulf find was this :
Yes, they’re not all the same. They have different types like Domain Validation SSL (DV SSL), Business Validation SSL (OV SSL), Extended Validation SSL (EV SSL), Wildcard SSL, Multi-Domain SSL.

A certificate authority issues a different types of SSL certificate as per business needs. Let’s discuss the types:

Domain Validation SSL (DV SSL)

Lowest level of authentication certificate
Issued very quickly
No company information is checked
Situations where trust and credibility are less important
Use only for web-based applications that are not at risk for phishing or fraud
Avoid using for websites that handle sensitive data
Business Validation SSL (OV SSL)

More secure step up from DV
Checking up on ownership of the domain name
Carry out additional vetting of the organization
Company information is displayed to visitors on the certificate
Public-facing websites dealing with less sensitive transactional data
More thorough vetting process than DV
Company information is displayed to users
Provides a certain level of trust about the company who owns the website
Extended Validation SSL (EV SSL)

Gold standard in SSL certificates
Rigorous Validation Process
Shows green browser address bar and the name of the legitimate website owner
E-commerce sites and websites handling credit card and other sensitive data
EV Certificates come with the green browser address bar
Increase user trust and lower bounce rates and shopping cart abandonment

Easyhost you seem knowledgeable about this is this a accurate summary ?

Yes this is an accurate summary. you also get SSL badge with all paid SSL certs which when installed on your website can be clicked and this shows the validation for that day. You get no such validation with a free SSL cert.

Even today the amount of websites you come across that dont have any sort of SSL and you get the security warning is astounding, especially and its been publicised world wide for several years that you need an SSL
How to track the expiration date of ssl certificates on different sites?
There is nothing difficult. I use a special tool to track the expiration dates for certificates and domains <URL snipped> I get reminders by email and on Skype.
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Not every website need paid SSL. If your website does not collect customer's sensitive information, you can use Free SSL for your website which will help for seo purpose and create possitive image on client.
From the cryptographic level, all SSL certs are equivalent.

You generate your private key and CSR with RSA or Elliptic Curves (ECPARAM) etc and you decide whether it's SHA256 and now many bits 2048 or 4096 etc.

All the Certificate Authority do is sign it. They are not part of the cryptographic bit at all.

What they do by signing it is add trust.

An EV certificate, while no more secure than an ordinary LetsEncrypt certificate demonstrates that the Certificate Signing Authority has vetted you and ensured that
  • you are who you say you are
  • they can contact you at the address they provided
  • that your business is registered and that you can be reached at your registered offices.

Now I find that gives me peace of mind, that if some goes wrong with my transaction to my detriment, that I can have some recourse.

However, if all you are interested in is that your conversation or contents of your webform can be overheard, then your EV certificate offers nothing extra.

In fact, from an imposter point of view, after all, that is the other point of an SSL Certificate, that you know who you are talking to. The 90 day life span of a LetsEncrypt Certificate shortens the potential window that a hacker has to impersonate you.
Not every website need paid SSL. If your website does not collect customer's sensitive information, you can use Free SSL for your website which will help for seo purpose and create possitive image on client.

that is not the point of a free SSL.

These started to appear and used more often when Google and Mozilla (firefox) decided to stop indexing plain http sites, so if your site does not have a valid SSL cert you get an 'not secure' warning