Free ded server for 3 days

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New member
i am looking to see if any hosting complanies would be willing to donate a dedicated server, either managed or i'll need root access to get it configured, for just 3 days, heres an outline of its use.

Day 1: Configuration
Day 2: Hacking Challenge Begins
Day 3: Challenge ends

as you can see it will be used for a 2 day hacking challenge i want to do for my site...if anyone can offer this i will note on my site starting now until the contest begins that the server is generously provided by: Your Host Here

i don't care if its a linux box or windows box but i need to know what type ASAP to let everyone know...if you checkout our site don't be discouraged by the lack of members, we are a new site with advertising i have in pan and this it should be a great incentive to join up with our site get the advertising....
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I'll be the first to mention what's going through everyone mind.

"Bogus. 0 day warez"

Your proposal looks neither well thought out nor convincing.
A hacking attempt? You're going to say box provided by so and so, who you've just managed to hack, btw - a great security promotion ;)
I have an idea...put up your own dedicated server on your own home internet connection. Release the IP the day of the challenge start, then call your ISP after the challenege ends, change your IP, and host it yourself.

Edit: Not only would the company be putting one box at risk, willingly - they would be putting their entire network at risk once the box is compromised.
Exon said:
I have an idea...put up your own dedicated server on your own home internet connection. Release the IP the day of the challenge start, then call your ISP after the challenege ends, change your IP, and host it yourself.

Edit: Not only would the company be putting one box at risk, willingly - they would be putting their entire network at risk once the box is compromised.

Couldnt say it better :D :thankyou:
Artashes said:
The point was taken across.
Now let's give some room for actual offers. :)
Do you think this security expert is going to get any, though?
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jswf said:
Do you think this security expert is going to get any, though?
No, I don't think so personally.
However, the forum is for offers, not discussions. Just keeping it on track. :)
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