FREE 2nd Month on all dedicated servers


New member
For the next 5 days (until 11:59pm 3/31/2010), Hands-on Web Hosting is offering a FREE month of hosting for ANY dedicated server purchased between now and 11:59 3/31/2010.

You may the first month, Hands-on picks up the tab for the second month.

The offer is valid on ALL servers currently offered by Hands-on Web Hosting at including the Server Blowout Special listed at the top of the page! (Dual Xeon E5405 Quad Core)

Send a PM here on Hosting Discussion to receive the special order link for this offer. Emails must be received by 11:59pm 3/31/2010 GMT
I'll drop a note to you here after this month - we've got our hands full here for the end of the month with various different things going on. I had a quick look through your site and I can see that from a low end server perspective we may be able to do some reselling as we really don't have much of an outlet for that (P4 2.4's for $80 - whereas on your site they're going for $64). We don't have much demand for the low end, but because of our QuadCores and Dual QuadCore demands we get a pretty good discount from our current resources that we pass on to clients.

I'll drop a note to you here after this month and see what we may be able to work out on the side.