From: The Easyhost Media Group Pre-Sales
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 3:11 AM
To: Pre-Sales
Subject: [Ticket ID: 600474] Business
The Easyhost Media Group
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A new support ticket has been opened.
Client: business
Department: Pre-Sales
Subject: Business
Priority: Medium
Why you always mouth peoples business? All over the internet I see your trolling.
Have yu ever heard of ebay listing fee's? The seller had raised the price to £199 so no-one buys the item - maybe it wasn't in stock that day - this is to avoid paying 50 pence to re-list it again when they are back in stock, not to scam you out of a poxy - £4.99 - in furture, unless you know what you're talking about why don't you shut up? Otherwise I'll get someone to root your server.
//A close friend of an ebay seller.
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