email getting blocked


New member
I have a leased server that I use cpanel and webhost manager to manage. I've just set up the server in the past week and put our website on it and created all the email accounts. The emails are all working fine now, but we have another website on someone elses server that has sends an email (using php) and the emails aren't going through.

They went through just fine before I moved our site and email accounts over, and I've checked in cpanel to see if I had any spam filters turned on and I don't. I've also tried sending email manually using thunderbird and outlook, both work fine. Also, on our server, i've been able to send email through php.

Anyone know of a setting that I might be missing in my webhost manager?

thanks in advance.
i have full root access.

The server is a leased server and I use the company's dns instead of setting it up my self for I have not enough knowledge to do so. I've heard that I might need to set up reverse dns, do you know how I would do this in my WHM?
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Reverse DNS is for if you are sending mail not receiving it. Aol and Msn and quite a few other companies require you to have reverse DNS setup.

Just so I have everything straight here. There are two servers involved and your trying to receive e-mail from the php web based form hosted off server1 and have it deliver the e-mail to server 2. The mail is not arriving or being rejected from server2 your newly leased server. Is this correct?

This is more than likely not something you can fix in cpanel. You will more than likely need to solve the problem through ssh. Can you provide the headers from the email that is being rejected? So I have 3 ideas as to why you are not receiving mail, but the headers on the returned email can help narrow it down.
What os is the server running? Is there a firewall?
I was having problems like that, it lied in my IMAP server, give it a reboot and tinker with the hostnames - it helped me :)
As someone said, you may need to setup ReverseDNS.

SMTP/IMAP are we down so you may need to check them in the service manager. More information/errors would be fantastic :)