Email forwarding does not work.


Staff member
Question for those who might have the answer. What might be the reason for email forwarder not to work? I set it up through cPanel.

The original email account works. The email forwarder directed to the original account won't.

It isn't a life critical issue and I can totally do without it, but I am curious.
Question for those who might have the answer. What might be the reason for email forwarder not to work? I set it up through cPanel.

The original email account works. The email forwarder directed to the original account won't.

It isn't a life critical issue and I can totally do without it, but I am curious.

so its not just me then, i have had a couple clients mention this.

I think its a cpanel issue as i also found out that creating an FTP user in cpanel also does not work
I am relieved it isn't just me. I will try again tonight..

In the meantime, if anyone hears anything from cPanel, please update us here as well.
Its not a cpanel bug. There are some gotchas when setting up email forwarding.

Other than that, have host check spamd for issues.

Now for the gotchas, tell us more about your config. Are both mailboxes on the same domain? If they are on different domains are both domains on the same server? Is one of them remote?

What kind of tests have you done? For example, if forwards to and you try to send mail from the gmail account to artashes mailbox you probably won't receive it at artashes2
Same domain, same server. forwards to

I am testing sending the email to both forwarder@ and email@, only the messages to email@ go through.

So if I understand you correctly, you cannot receive mail at email@ even when you send directly?

Assuming I am not understanding correctly, try disabling spamassassin in cpanel and test again. If forwarding is still not working, and you have access to server, check your exim logs and spamd configuration (or have host do it)
Keeping in mind that anything sent to has to be forwarded to

From a third party email account, I tested by sending two test messages to, neither of which were received by

From the same third party email account, I sent a test message directly to, to see whether the problem is also with that account, but that wasn't the case - the message was received without issue.

Direct emails are sent fine, emails through forwarder for some reason are not.

Just logged into the server: "Apache SpamAssassin™ is currently disabled."

I will ask the host to check the exim logs and spamd configuration.
Here is an interesting twist. The server logs show that all mail to forwarder is going through. And so far 2 different Gmail accounts have successfully sent a message to

However, the forwarder@ still does not receive emails from my personal Gmail account. The server does indeed show the message goes through, but I don't receive it.

This is the first time I am this confused by an email forwarding issue.
However, the forwarder@ still does not receive emails from my personal Gmail account. The server does indeed show the message goes through, but I don't receive it.

This is the first time I am this confused by an email forwarding issue.

Can you configure email forwarding to some other mailbox on the mail server you have control on, and check the logs on them?

I think you should see received messages if they're send through and you'll have a chance to look at the headers, etc.
I had this same error (I just set up a forwarder after I read here for testing nothing serious.) After failing for a while I deleted the forwarder and recreated it pointing the forwarder to the same email as before and Boom it worked. Why it had not worked is beyond me and the server will kill you if you say it did not deliver the email coz its log says it did!