Effective promotion local or international?

What is your budget? standing out on an international level can be cost more then local advertising.

Local advertising nice if you have office in area, datacenter in area so on and so forth.
Also, contacting local business via it being in person, mail, or by phone is a good way to alert them to your company and what you can do for them. Also, posting up flyers, and having business cards you can pass to potential clients will help as well.
go talk to your local camber of commerce about your company and see at the next event you can do a little presentation on web hosting or make money online etcc...
The choice to advertise locally, regional, national or international really depends on your target market. Promoting your hosting company as another "every day hosting company" in India for example will likely yield almost no results/return.

Now if you decide to target a region of another country - say Scotland for example - you need to target your advertising to what it is that those in Scotland would be looking for.

Advertising is more than just putting up a banner and throwing money at it. It requires research of your intended audience and tailoring a marketing campaign to capture that market.

Personally, I've always loved the local/state markets for advertising. We deal a lot with Australia, England, Russia and Germany (along with the US), and each of these countries operate VERY differently. Even the age groups of the intended audience changes. Convincing someone in Australia that they're better hosting in the United States again depends on THEIR market.

My advise, when starting out - go local. People like to deal with local companies. It will also allow you time to learn how to read people, what it is that they are looking for, and then branch out beyond that.

That being said - if you have a marketing company that you are working with, and they've already done all the research for you - throw the money at it and let it rip ;)
I think it would be easier to start from your local market and go on adding new market, also keep track on global business, market size, business condition, target customer base, area competition and extend your business accordingly. :)