Your name? Jason
URL(s) of site?
Age of site? like 4 months
Approximately monthly page views and/or unique visitors? slim to none
How does the site generate income? it currently doesn't
Who develops content and administers the site? How much time does it require? it needs to be completed
What is the monthly cost of running the site? a couple bucks via hosting from the great guys at
Reason for selling? no time to complete and launch it
Will you help with the transition of the site to the new owner? most definately
Does the site have an ezine or newsletter? nope
What all does the site include? domain name, layout (from cost me $50 , and very powerful live support script (phpunlimitedchat) - this is the unlimited plus version license valued at $299 - you can see a features list and demo at
Asking price for the site? Start bidding at $40, will set a BIN soon
I am also willing to sell w/out the script OR just the script by itself.
Payment can be made via paypal, check, or money order.
I'm happy to answer any and all questions. If you are interested or need more information please feel free to reply, PM, or e-mail.
URL(s) of site?
Age of site? like 4 months
Approximately monthly page views and/or unique visitors? slim to none
How does the site generate income? it currently doesn't
Who develops content and administers the site? How much time does it require? it needs to be completed
What is the monthly cost of running the site? a couple bucks via hosting from the great guys at
Reason for selling? no time to complete and launch it
Will you help with the transition of the site to the new owner? most definately
Does the site have an ezine or newsletter? nope
What all does the site include? domain name, layout (from cost me $50 , and very powerful live support script (phpunlimitedchat) - this is the unlimited plus version license valued at $299 - you can see a features list and demo at
Asking price for the site? Start bidding at $40, will set a BIN soon
I am also willing to sell w/out the script OR just the script by itself.
Payment can be made via paypal, check, or money order.
I'm happy to answer any and all questions. If you are interested or need more information please feel free to reply, PM, or e-mail.