Drive clients to your door with new OVH VPS & Dedicated Servers For WHMCS 1.1.0!

1. OVH VPS & Dedicated Servers For WHMCS 1.1.0

Today, we are thrilled to bits to be presenting you with a new update of OVH VPS & Dedicated Servers For WHMCS. The up-to-the-minute 1.1.0 version is a true stepping stone in the development of this dual-purpose module – curious to find out why?

Primarily because now it will allow you to not only supervise but more importantly also deliver OVH dedicated servers to clients without leaving your WHMCS - the same way it is already possible for VPS. What they will also appreciate is the power to create snapshots of owned virtual machine and use them, later on, to either restore its settings or simply make a safety backup before introducing any changes. Apart from that, the module has been also armed with support for choosing an operation system license in the VPS configuration settings.

Raring to explore plenty of other compelling elements of this momentous release?

Learn more about OVH VPS & Dedicated Servers For WHMCS 1.1.0!

2. Heficed Case Study - EasyDCIM

Business automation and a bird’s-eye view on owned infrastructure are two best friends of each data center entrepreneur.

As the recent EasyDCIM interview with Vincentas Grinius from Heficed shows, the process of finding the perfect software tool that would allow a data center owner to manage all inventory parts from a single place is not always a piece of cake. It was only after they entrusted their business management to EasyDCIM that they finally found the suitable conditions to expand their IP addresses provisioning operations.

What encouraged Vincentas and his company to explore EasyDCIM tools and how did this benefit them in the long run?

See how to take a step towards automation with EasyDCIM!

3. Here are also our other lately released modules in case you might have missed them:

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