While things like capital punishment and others might get a better press, fact is that we are way, way too underdeveloped. Since the whole thing is a political decision, we might become a full member in 2007 though.
I live in an area that is quite heavily industrialised, in a relatively big city, close to the capital, where things are progressing, but there are zones where the economy is very depressed. You should see the rural zones, filled with elderly people living out of less than $500/year. Luckily for them they do have some land (a few hectares usually) and that usually accounts for most of their income. The pensions for agricultural workers (as that's what they were back when communism was ruling, their land being collectivised) are often about $10.
The laws are changing every 6 months or so. Now we do it the IMF's way, now we do it the EU's way, now we do it as internal forces want it. The fiscal code (policy) was changed last year. Then it was changed yet again and surprise-surprise - they will change it one more time (at least!).
This whole thing made the law very... shall we say... unimportant. Corruption is present at all levels. Bribery paves the way in everything. There's little doubt (in my mind) that 99.99 of politicians are corrupt. There is a saying that is used with relation to bribery here: "Everything can be solved with money".
Funny thing is that despite all this, the economy will grow over 5% this year, but I guess that's easy when you are at very low levels (average wage being around $150/month). You read it right!
We'll see how your friend sees the country though.
PS. Sorry for taking the thread off topic. I will stop talking about this and get back here once I see that commercial.