DomainKeys and IIS


New member
Has anyone had any experience installing DomainKeys in IIS? A Google search seems to suggest that DomainKeys cannot just be "plugged in" to the MS SMTP service. I'm happy to use a third-party component (if said component is cheap / free - ideally with .net source code) to send DomainKeys verified mail, but have no idea what component would do this. (At least - a component that you can download ready built. has one that requires a million steps to build and install it and needs about 3 other programs installing / building.)
I havent used this before to be honest. A quick look around Google revealed that Exchange has a library but not MS SMTP.

I have found something for the mail server we use to allow a program to run on the MTA (MailEnable).

Not sure if this helps any. Maybe you could force the SMTP email to route through ME instead of MS SMTP. has one that requires a million steps to build and install it

Sounds about right :)
Yeah - I saw ME's ability to do it. Unfortunately, this is for a server without any need for MailEnable.
Thats a shame! No chance of you installing ME Standard which is free? I know installing extra software can complicate things more sometimes though :)