Domain died


New member

I'm seeking a little bit of help. I'm currently hosted with AvidNewMedia and everything that side is perfect. However, my domain name which is registered via my domain decided to die last night.

Nothing was touched at all, it just decided to stop working and stop forwarding to the server IPs.

I have 30 + clients on the sever and all their sites are down too because their nameservers are ns1.mydomain...

Does anybody have any clue to what the problem could be? Or what could have caused it? it was working fine last night until i went to bed because i made a new account on the server.

The account is still intact because i can go the IP and see the site online, so it's nothing to do with the server.

I've tried contacting easyspace but no luck as of yet, they're closed on weekends like most places.

Is it easy to change my nameservers to something else? I ordered a new name because i was thinking of setting up another hosting site, what's my best bet? Should i get DNS control and make the IPs of this new domain i've ordered and make it the new servers and get my clients to change thier nameservers of their domains to this one? Also, how difficult is this? ANMMark, maybe you can guide me too mate, appreciated!

What's your thoughts and suggestions.

Warm regards,

I assume that the name servers are pointed to Avidmedia?

Are you familiar with creating "A" records in WHM?
Hmm status=Registrar Lock

Will this be causing anything?

All bills for the domain are up to date. We're contacting Easyspace now.
When doing a DNS Lookup for at, I get

No A records exist for [Neg TTL=0 seconds]

Details: (an authoritative nameserver) says that there are no A records for
( does exist, but has no A records).

I wish I knew more about DNS to help you, but perhaps someone can tell you what these results mean and how to fix it.

Jambo said:
Hmm status=Registrar Lock

Will this be causing anything?
That just means that the domain cannot be transferred unless the lock is removed. Doesn't have anything to do with your DNS.

Thanks Vitao, i found that in the whois search this morning. Nothing has happened with us, i think it's actually the DNS on the server. I cant access WHM even via the IP to look at the DNS. I'm hoping Mark can get on and help me sort it out.

Thanks for all your replies guys, appreciated :)
Jambo, glad to hear it.

Can you share with us what went wrong and how it was fixed? (I always like to learn...)
