Does Cogent-only hosting scare people away?


New member

I wanna know your opinion on this one, because I'm interested in buying one of these servers. Would it scare clients off, just because it's Cogent-only bandwidth? The company offers 99.5% network uptime, though... :rolleyes:

btw: also, how much bandwidth could I sell on such a server? (read linked thread first ;) )

Thanks a lot guys
What you should be asking yourself is will you be prepared in the event Cogent goes under? Cogent's uptime has been reported to be very good (and's is the best I've seen so far), but you should make sure they have other reliable links in place, like RackShack does, just in case.

I think the only thing that would scare off people about Cogent is their financial stability, if they even follow it (IMO).
My 2 cents


From the threads I read about them I would not go with that company. Their seems to be more negitive post's then positive

need a server look for a better company like or one of those guys.

but thats just my 2 cents.
I think you would get ripped off by them they seem not act to proffesional so I can only imagine how their bussiness really runs.

But to be fair I have never dealt with them or even spoke to any of their clients or the company itself so I could be just getting the wrong vibe from the post's about them:P
I may be wrong, but it looks likes that some are using Cogent's bandwidth because of the low price. Probably they consider it as a short term investment or as long as Cogent is still in business. I've noticed that the traceroute is a little bit longer, but if it is only 150ms or 200ms apart from others, the difference won't be too significant for many. I like their all-fibre network though.

If more and more people are doing this, then it could help Cogent financially. I hope that their strategy works and this can stabilize themselves as a company. The good thing is, the bandwidth price will be very competitive in the future if Cogent will offer the same low price over long period of time.
Thanks for the replies. :)
Could you comment a bit on how much transfer I'd be able to push out of this thing? :D
Theoretically speaking it should go up to 3000GB/3TB transfer / month (correct?), but will it still work fast enough then? :confused:
.::DefCon::. said:
Thanks for the replies. :)
Could you comment a bit on how much transfer I'd be able to push out of this thing? :D
Theoretically speaking it should go up to 3000GB/3TB transfer / month (correct?), but will it still work fast enough then? :confused:

If its burstable then it will work fast enough. But i agree with some people here. I wouldn't use KingComp (if I was you) simply because of their reputation. There are various other reputable colo providers like etc.

Hope this helps,
I'm talking about getting a dedicated server with them. ;)
Why? Do you know any other Dedicated Server host that can provide something like this at such price? :rolleyes:

thx :)
Oh I can ;)
But seriously, you are better off goin with Dv2 or Rackshack (10mbit unmetered) as you know they have a lesser chance of going under.

- Asher.
Anyone happen to know where I can buy a new (or slightly used but in mint or near-mint condition) Rolls Royce for $10k (preferably less, of course)?

I need a new car.

Oh yea, gas should cost me no more than $0.10 a gallon ($0.07 preferred).

Thank you!
.::DefCon::. said:
Yes, BUT:
RS charges for extra IP's, has worse hardware & setup fees (not to mention the lousy support). :(

true that RS has crap support but the company is financially stable if you know what I mean? Although the kingcomp deal may be unbeatable, you have to consider various things:

- They dont have a proper DC
- They rely on cogentco at the moment, that means downtime can strike at any moment....

Just a few things to consider ;)
Just my 0.02 c

- Asher.
Oh dear Lord... :(
If you don't know the answer, don't reply! :mad:

NOTE: (the post was meant for allera)

Hey I do not remember their prices SORRY but you should seriously look into they are a VERY VERY reliable company Very financially Secure. You can even just call them up to speak with their tech support before you actually get a dedicated from them thats what we did. Infact we still have a dedicated their for offsite backup reasons.
Btw ... just curious. Has anyone tried Cogent before? (I heard that it's actually not bad at all for regular hosting.)
Reyner said:
Btw ... just curious. Has anyone tried Cogent before? (I heard that it's actually not bad at all for regular hosting.)

Actually we provide servers on a CogentCo and Epik line, cogent is pretty good :)
Hi Asher :)

Thanks for the input. I think I read your offer at WHT (very attractive offer). How do you like it so far? Any downtime experience? How long have you been with Cogent?

Hello Reyner,

Thank you for your comment ;)
We've been with Cogent for quite a while, so far no downtime except a few minutes when they were running maintainence. I dont have any complaints, however being the old-school person I am, we will definately, add more carriers to our connection simply because it looks better & for the 'comfort' of our clients. But seriously, a company can easily survive with Cogent plus a backup line. Hope this helps :)


we got rid of cogent due to user complaints. plus they became about the same cost as the other better networks when the pricing came down on them . they only bill in 100 meg increments - so if you are doing 110 or 220 - you are paying much more than 30 per meg. and you will never get 100 meg out of the line- you need to leave room to handle dos and bursts.

so it effectivley works out to be about 42 per meg if you are cranking on it. if you can something that is much better for 50 - its a no brainer. :)