Do your resellers have most shared accounts than you?


New member
Do your resellers have more shared accounts under their name that you?

Do you focus more on reseller accounts if they do?
Our reseller accounts have more shared accounts than we do. We dont concentrate extensively on reseller accounts since it is well balanced I must say :)
Some do, but I changed my focus to only resellers and servers. I don't do shared anymore unless somebody I know requests it.
Sorry but Im not sure what you mean Rus..

Do you think its better focusing on reseller accounts?
Do you give a lot less support for each account because the reseller can deal with most issues, unless server related, or do you find you still get a lot of support requests which are just forwarded by the reseller from their shared accounts?
Whys that?

A lot of hosting companies are turning more to reseller accounts now and a lot are also setting up because I think there has been a bit of a boom in reseller hosting with so many people buying reseller accounts to setup their own small hosting business or people wanting to put all their accounts under the one