Do you like to include extra software?


New member
In your hosting, do you like to include extra software? Things like fantastico for cpanel.. extra skins?

Do you think it makes a difference to most clients if you have it or not?
I think quite a lot like fantastico, but I havent had anyone that wanted to go with my company because of it.
I think adding in scripts would sway people your way over another host which doesnt include it, they are normally very good for newbies to hosting who might need help to install a script.
Urchin is installed for advanced stats, as well as a few other stats scripts.
I use that a lot myself and its very good
Will have a look tonight to see what installed
Do you mean not included horde/squirrelmail etc?The normal things
Yeah I mean what is not already installed as the normal.. things like phpbb, invision, etc.. they don't count as they are standard options
I think fantastico covers most things really, has the most popular scripts available for customers, its a good move to make that available i think.
I dont think many hosts have too much extra things installed, not many people use them and it might not really benefit the account owners.
Installing a load of software thats not needed wouldnt be the best thing to do I think, could end up causing big problems if one of them goes wrong
Yeah.. the only things I can think of is Fantastico and Urchin as extra software, unless of course you count ModernBill or ClientExec..
I include Fantastico and Urchin to every reseller. Then on my new reseller plans R2 I give then 50 free templates to help design there site or there customers.

Another think like on my VPS Plan 2 I give them a free copy of phpmanager and on VPS Plan 3 a free copy of Fantastico.

Also, xController is available to all resellers but I don't think anybody uses it. X skin seems to be the popular for cPanel.

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