Do you have a DVD burner?


New member
Do you have a DVD burner?
How much did it cost you?
Do you use it much or do you think you would be just as well off with a CDRW?
I want to get a DVD RW soon because I have so much data to backup on my PC.
Takes far too long doing it using CDs.
I have a DVD burner, there are +'s and -'s I belive, not sure the difference, but whatever mine is my dad wants to get the other kind.. not sure why.. I don't use it much for DVDs but when it burns CD's it is REALLY fast.. I have like 6 cd burners and the one dvd burner.. dvd is fastes.. I think it cost me $500 CDN a couple years back... could be wrong..
Always the way gooooogle, you buy something and within a month, if that long, its already dropping the price.. especially for example, CD Writers dropped dramtically when DVD Writers hit the market.
Yeah there are two types of burner.
At the start they were both equal but now I think one is starting to win over the market to become the standard.
Once I know one is going to stay I think I will buy one.
Really need something to store a lot of data because CDs dont hold enough for me anymore.
Interesting fact I heard on the radio last week.. the DVD player is the most successful electronic EVER launched. It is more successful than the microwave, as they stated on my local radio station.

Not sure if this is world wide or just North American.

This should greatly effect the ammount of sales on the DVD Writers in the future as people want to create their own movies and other things.
I thought the TV would have been a lot more popular.
Maybe its going by the number of sales in the first year/months whereas the TV wouldnt have sold as many because not as many people were able to buy a TV when they first came out.
I would rather buy a DVD burner for the TV then my computer. I'm fine with a cd burner but I want to record tv shows on DVD.
Do you know how long of a tv show you can save to DVD?
I dont have a clue, everyone knows tapes by the time they record but for DVDs its the data space people know about, including me