Do movie reviews have impact on you?


Staff member
I was just looking at some high-definition movie previews and reading reviews... and a question popped up in my head - do movie reviews influence your decision to actually watch or skip a certain movie?

Let's break it down to critics' and users' reviews. Which, if any, have impact on your decision-making process?

I tend to read users' reviews and ratings, and do let myself influenced by them even though there are lots of movies that I liked despite them getting relatively poor reviews.
I guess you can lump me in with those that rely on User Reviews. But reviews ONLY from people I know ... and know at least fairly well.

I haven't gone to a movie theatre in almost 20 years now. So ... I rely on my friends reviews to decide if I am going to buy it or not to add to my DVD/Video collection.

Occassionally I will rent a movie ... if I am unsure if I want it added to my collection. But normally, I consider renting a waste of money. But thats just my opinion :)