Did your latest cPanel update stop your stats?


New member
I just noticed my cpanel logs stopped updating when cpanel last updated yesterday morning.
I did a search on the cpanel forums as the log file seemed fine and it was rotating etc.

Saw someone elses log stopped at the exact same time as mine, when they updated.

I have got it working again now using /scripts/runweblogs through SSH incase anyone else has the problem

Webalizer and analog both stopped updating at the same time, then I checked when cPanel last updated and it was one minute before the logs stopped so did a search on cpanel and noticed someone had the same problem.

Just letting people know so they can check the stats on their servers incase they stopped too so you can resume them again :)
We had a log-stoppage problem with CPanel, but since the upgrades were done first on one server and then the environment checked (with users on it, as opposed to just checked on the dev box), the network team were able to find the problem and have the fix ready before the updates went network-wide.