R redlion New member Mar 26, 2010 #1 Hello ! I need a server to run bittorrent tracker. It not must be powerfull. Something like Core 2 Duo 2GHz, 1 Gig RAM, 80 Gig HDD and 10-12 Tb of bandwith per month.
Hello ! I need a server to run bittorrent tracker. It not must be powerfull. Something like Core 2 Duo 2GHz, 1 Gig RAM, 80 Gig HDD and 10-12 Tb of bandwith per month.
F fortressDewey New member Mar 26, 2010 #2 are you hosting bit torrent or just tracking? very big difference.
R redlion New member Mar 26, 2010 #3 fortressDewey said: are you hosting bit torrent or just tracking? very big difference. Click to expand... yes, you're right it is a big difference. I mean only tracker. Not a website. Just a tracker that stores hashes and peers.
fortressDewey said: are you hosting bit torrent or just tracking? very big difference. Click to expand... yes, you're right it is a big difference. I mean only tracker. Not a website. Just a tracker that stores hashes and peers.
M myreseller New member Mar 31, 2010 #5 what area should the server be located in and what uplink speed you're looking at 10/100 Mbit?
R redlion New member Apr 3, 2010 #6 I (like tracker) do not know what type of torrents it will track. It's open tracker like openbittorrent.com It doesn't matter where it will be located. Uplink - 100Mb.
I (like tracker) do not know what type of torrents it will track. It's open tracker like openbittorrent.com It doesn't matter where it will be located. Uplink - 100Mb.
F fanturo New member Apr 28, 2010 #7 A VPS will be better for you. We offer 10TB bandwidth, 1gbps port Linux VPSes for only $10.95/month. You can check our offers at www.hostomosto.com
A VPS will be better for you. We offer 10TB bandwidth, 1gbps port Linux VPSes for only $10.95/month. You can check our offers at www.hostomosto.com