dedicated or reseller?


New member
I am a startup web host/website developer. Can anyone point me in the direction of a service that will meet my following needs?

1. Required: I need direct access to my clients' website directory folders. I have created an online web site builder for a niche market. It uses ASP to create html pages and saves them in the users' directories.

2. May also need to install other components that hosting companies might not offer by default such as ASPImage.

2. I don't feel 100% confident in managing my own server (Security, email, updates...). Would need some help in that area, but would like to eventually take it over myself when the time is right.

3. Would really like to automate as much as possible. Domain purchase, hosting account setup, billing.

4. My clients will interface with my application, so they will not really need a cPanel to FTP files or manage their accounts (except for email).

The reseller option is atractive to me because I wouldn't have to worry about the technical side of hosting at first. But I may have to actually have my own server if I want to have direct file access to my clients directories.

Thanks for whatever advice you can offer!
depends how much resources you plan on using really. A lot of hosts will install modules for you upon request. and that seems like the only thing to make you need a dedicated server. the rest you could do with a reseller account unless you needed a lot of resources.
jonesie said:
I am a startup web host/website developer. Can anyone point me in the direction of a service that will meet my following needs?

1. Required: I need direct access to my clients' website directory folders. I have created an online web site builder for a niche market. It uses ASP to create html pages and saves them in the users' directories.

2. May also need to install other components that hosting companies might not offer by default such as ASPImage.

2. I don't feel 100% confident in managing my own server (Security, email, updates...). Would need some help in that area, but would like to eventually take it over myself when the time is right.

3. Would really like to automate as much as possible. Domain purchase, hosting account setup, billing.

4. My clients will interface with my application, so they will not really need a cPanel to FTP files or manage their accounts (except for email).

The reseller option is atractive to me because I wouldn't have to worry about the technical side of hosting at first. But I may have to actually have my own server if I want to have direct file access to my clients directories.

Thanks for whatever advice you can offer!

1. With this line, I think you'll be better off with a windows server. Since most of your work will be dealing with ASP.

2. Installing the basic components such as php, asp, mysql, etc is a must for web hosting, wouldn't want to run without it.

3.There's serveral softwares, scripts, etc that could help you put your web hosting business into automation mode more at ease. As for billing, I recommend modernbill by all means.

4. This is optional, the client can have the option to login to their CP to add or remove email addresses if they wish.

I personally think what you have here is a great idea! Contact me if you're still doing this business so I could help you get started. You don't even have to worry about the server technical issues when dedicating with us.
I've researched a couple Windows hosting resellers, but I'm running up against a road block. They say that my ASP script on my main reseller site will not have access to write files to my clients' folders.

Does this mean I'm going to have to go with a dedicated server?
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Thats the problem with reseller (or shared) hosting. You will often find that the permissions that your scripts require are not going to fit the bill!

If you have the budget go for a dedicated solution or otherwise try and find a good friend of yours who has a hosting company and ask him for a 'reseller' account as such...

Best of Luck,
Solution for your request is maybe a Virtual private server (VPS) which is a half way between reseller and dedicated hosting.

The point is that you share same dedicated server with other people, but not as much as with reseller account.

You will have a root access, possibility to install what ever you want without interfeering others VPS.

With VPS you also have guaranteed minimal resources such as CPU power and memory, so if other VPS owner at the same server have havy server load it doesnt border you at all.
Grafiti ONLINE said:
Solution for your request is maybe a Virtual private server (VPS) which is a half way between reseller and dedicated hosting.

The point is that you share same dedicated server with other people, but not as much as with reseller account.

You will have a root access, possibility to install what ever you want without interfeering others VPS.

With VPS you also have guaranteed minimal resources such as CPU power and memory, so if other VPS owner at the same server have havy server load it doesnt border you at all.

I agree 100%

VPS may be the best way to go for now.
If you need to install custom components chances are you will want to go with Dedicated. Reseller plans are nice but there are limitations on what access you have and what components you can install.
You should only go with a VPS if you need the level of control but don't have the money for a dedicated. I would advise a reseller as VPS servers require just as much knowledge as a dedicated server does. And with the cost of VPS servers its not really worth it. So,

a) Get a good reseller account, or
b) Get a Dedicated Server and hire a knowledgable system admin
I will say for your needs if you say you need some special componants for your clients as in todays shared hosting most hosting company have many restrictions like will not allow :SSH to clients for security (true for shared hosting ) will not allow mass mailing ...will prevert many modules that cause server load issue will not allow tomcat ... if this becomes your requirement for you or your clients then I will say go for dedicated server for today many hosting company also provided dedicated server with free management from there end .. :) to reduce your tension
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If you're comfortable with server management and need the flexibility and greater level of control, you can go dedicated. Otherwise, consider a reseller hosting account to begin with and ramp up as necessary. (Basically what the others have said before me.)

I would start out with a reseller and move on to a VPS, and then a dedicated server. If you cannot manage a server, highly unrecommended that you start out with a dedicated server.
WireNine said:
I would start out with a reseller and move on to a VPS, and then a dedicated server. If you cannot manage a server, highly unrecommended that you start out with a dedicated server.

Exactly. That's the best way to start.. from small to big. No risk at all. Go for it.
jonesie said:
I am a startup web host/website developer. Can anyone point me in the direction of a service that will meet my following needs?

1. Required: I need direct access to my clients' website directory folders. I have created an online web site builder for a niche market. It uses ASP to create html pages and saves them in the users' directories.

2. May also need to install other components that hosting companies might not offer by default such as ASPImage.

2. I don't feel 100% confident in managing my own server (Security, email, updates...). Would need some help in that area, but would like to eventually take it over myself when the time is right.

3. Would really like to automate as much as possible. Domain purchase, hosting account setup, billing.

4. My clients will interface with my application, so they will not really need a cPanel to FTP files or manage their accounts (except for email).

The reseller option is atractive to me because I wouldn't have to worry about the technical side of hosting at first. But I may have to actually have my own server if I want to have direct file access to my clients directories.

Thanks for whatever advice you can offer!
Check google, do research, choose a good company. The company you choose will be your backbone. Don't go for companies because they are "large".. keep in mind the more they have to maintain.. the less your questions will be answered. Good luck on your company progressing.
