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New member
We've had a website hosted with them for a few weeks now. They're great at customer support, and their prices are unbeatable!
I doubt Daniel has anything to do with it :)

Daniel is from France, cyberwings isn't...

Just my $0.02
I have 3 employees that live in England and I'm located in Ohio. So just because he lives in France means nothing at all. The 3 employees that are in england are some of my customer support people.
Some hosts are run by one person, so the number of people working for them really does not show anything (except that they don't need anyone else yet).

PS: I forgot, they've hired one more person recently, for accounting/billing.
Just our of curiousity how do you know so damn much about this compnay. I for sure don' t tell me clients how many people i have working for me and when i hire new people and such.
I know it all from the head of the company. You see, that's what I like about Cyberwings: they tell you everything, no secrets (well, maybe a few, but not many :)).
Daniel said:
I know it all from the head of the company. You see, that's what I like about Cyberwings: they tell you everything, no secrets (well, maybe a few, but not many :)).

Sorry dude but the site seems to be missing in action . I see some find it webpage on it instead of hosting page. Which site is it talked about here?
i went to
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