Creditcard fraude!


Well-known member

just read a report:

  • 5% of all online consumers claim that they have been victim of credit card fraud
  • 2001: 700 million dollar sales that were fraudulent
  • 700m is 19 times the amount of "non-internet" creditcard fraud
  • E-fraud is 1.14% of all online-sales, a total of 61.8 billion dollars
I've also noticed that a majority of the fraud are from International Orders from Malaysia, India, China, Indonesia and Pakastan....
Well the best way to stop this is to do voice verifications. With all my credit card orders I get I voice verify them before I allow them to go through.
i try not to use paypal since if you offer a hosting service their is no way to prove you provided service <this is what paypal says>
the clients could contact paypal and say they never got the service and they will win

so watch out
yes the new 3 digit verification

came out of the blue

I'm thinking that it may be easier to just take checks, OK it takes longer but whattihell saves all the worries
VbV and MCSC

Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode solved those problems for me.

-I can charge, and get paid on a VISA card that I would never have accepted before. It guarntees payments, and almost eliminates fraud
beepbeep said:
i try not to use paypal since if you offer a hosting service their is no way to prove you provided service <this is what paypal says>
the clients could contact paypal and say they never got the service and they will win

so watch out

That's only partially true. PayPal won't help the buyer if it's a digital item (not tangable). I've dealt with PayPal several times on this subject and have found that they could really care less unless it is a non digital item.