Creating a Search engine


New member
Just wondering if there's some free php/sql script for creating your own internet search engine. I thought it might be fun to try it out. I'd like to have a go at a search engine in Esperanto you see.
The only thing I have seen like that is for searching your own website, you put a script in your site and it searches through it, think it would only search for text though.
Came up with the results like google would, a link to the page and an extract of where the text is.

I havent seen any for a search engine on the web, not sure if there would be any available but I have never looked for that kind of script
Got a bit of a problem. If I run an esperanto search engine I don't want people to be able to just add lots of web sites themselves. I want to be able to decide what goes inn. Now this is the code behind the add a website button (I think).

if($action == "add") {

echo " <center><font face=arial>Submit a site:</center><br></font><form name=\"add\" method=\"post\" action=\"?action=submit\">";

echo "<font face=arial size=2>Tltle:<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0066\">*</FONT><BR> <input type=text name=title size=30><br>The title of your site.</font><br><br>";

echo "<font face=arial size=2>Description:<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0066\">*</FONT> <BR><input type=text name=description size=50><br>Description of your site.</font><br><br>";

echo "<font face=arial size=2>Url:<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0066\">*</FONT><BR><input type=text name=link value=http:// size=30><br>Link of your site.</font><br><br>";

echo "<font face=arial size=2>Keywords:<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0066\">*</FONT><BR><input type=text name=keywords size=30><br>Seperate keywords by spaces</font><br><br><input type=submit value=Submit><BR><BR><FONT COLOR=\"#FF0066\">*</FONT> = Required</form>";

How can I edit this so that the information they entered gets sent to one of my e-mail addresses instead?
I searched for Hosting Talk on your site and it returned one result, but didnt give any information on the result, ie. where it is or anything.

Ok just tried again, I dont think the script is working
1 result for Hosting Talk
1 result for vision
1 result for ghjmgjmkj,hjk

You might want to check it a bit more ;)
Hmm. Anyone here fancy a PHP/MySQL challenge? Make a search engine that others can use and customize;). Especially me :eek:.

I don't understand why these things are not available on the internet. Simply a database that contains info on different websites and the ability to search that database the way search engines like google do.