Control Panels


New member
Would you buy a server without a control panel? If not, how much extra are you willing to pay for a server with a control panel like Ensim or something that is server side, and does not cost the hosting company monthly to provide?
I would...

Hey I/have bought servers with no control panel infact I have even payed to have a server built with no OS installed on it.

When I was first getting into owning my own servers I bought 2 servers first with no control panel on them so I got them really cheap. Then I just bought a control panel license that I wanted installed it to play with same with my second server. If you are able to get a server at a cheap price some times you may actually save money by buying a server with just a os installed and no control panel software then go out and buy a license for a conrtol panel you want to use. then ofcourse some times you are also able to get a server with software you would want already installed. I say it really is a price issue of how much your willing/able to spend for the server that will determain if you buy just a server or a server with pre-installed software.

Also will depend on if you want the server to play with and learn off of (like installing different software on it to learn which is better).

Anyway I am ramuling,
Yes I would buy a server with no software installed if the price was right wnad I new I would save money. Yes I am cheap. :rolleyes:
I have never bought a server without a control panel because it means I have to take more time to signup for one and get licenses. So what I have always done is made sure I get cpanel4 inclueded with my servers. It just seems easier that way;)
Hi all!

Yes I would, and have, leased servers with no control panel.

The most recent one is Redhat 7.2.
I installed Webmin/Usermin.

It all depends on a persons needs and skill level as well as the cost.

The plain RedHat 7.2 server hosts a single domain with a large Vbulletin forum.

The client knows nothing about servers or software and I manage the server for him so I saw no need to pay for a control panel.

I also have an Ensim3 . 2 server.

The Ensim box hosts several domains that the owners want a control panel for.

I have had a lot more problems with the servers I leased with control panels then the ones without.

I have used WHM/Cpanel, Ensim 3.1, Ensim 3.2 and Webmin.
Webmin is my personal first choice.
Mainly because it is easy to install and use, and its free.

Most of the commercial control panels are too complex and proprietary.

RedHat, Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc. all work fine set up the standard way.

The commercial control panels lock you into using their versions of everything.

Try to upgrade things using the standard RPM's and you might have big problems.

Thats my 20 cents worth ;-)
choose for application

as the previous poster said - if this is a single purpose box and not for users or resellers to interact in - and you need a little gui help - webmin works fine and is free. otherwise cpanel works well for automation;
There are many occassions when dedicated servers are purchased without any software installation included. In fact, I find that many experienced web admins prefer this, so that they can have complete freedom to install their own software or purchase licenses at will. It usually saves them on cost for the server setup, plus they can choose any control panel/admin programs they are comfortable with.

This issue depends on the type of dedicated solution a company is offering. In our case, we only provide customized dedicated servers based on the exact needs of the client (if the client prefers to use our Control Panel system, we figure that into the cost and install it; otherwise, we omit it). But many other hosts provide pre-configured "out-of the-box" solutions with a set operating system and control panel software.

For less experienced admins, this might be convenient, however it may also be less robust - as they are locked into whatever installations are already on that server - and if they find out they aren't happy with those softwares, they may end up spending more getting additional licenses anyway. :mic:
<< Would you buy a server without a control panel? >>

Yes, I certainly would. You could always just install the control panel separately. I have not done so yet, but I certainly may do in the future. Plus in fact I'm even thinking of creating my own control panel, which means I'd have to ultimately buy one without a control panel - or if I were to get H-Sphere then again I'd need a server without a control panel to install it.

<< If not, how much extra are you willing to pay for a server with a control panel like Ensim or something that is server side, and does not cost the hosting company monthly to provide? >>

Well, I am so no need to answer this. ;)