Constantly Logged Out?


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Are you constantly Logged Out? Please clear your cookies and sign in again.

How do I clear my cookies?

You may clear all your cookies by clicking here. If you return to the main index page via the link provided and you are still logged in, you may have to remove your cookies manually.

Here are the instructions for Internet Explorer 5 on Windows:

Close all Internet Explorer windows.
Click the "Start" button.
Move up to "Find" and click "Files or Folders" from the menu that appears.
In the new window that appears, in the "containing text" field, type in the domain name of the board without the "http://" or "www." part. For example, type in "" (without the quotes)
In the "look in" box, type in "C:\Windows\Cookies\" (without the quotes) and press "Find Now"
After it has finished searching, highlight all files (click a file, then press CTRL+A) and delete them (press the "delete" key or SHIFT+DEL)
Your cookies should now be removed.