Connecting hosted web to my home mysql db


New member
Hello all,

I have Mysql installed on my Home server with Java server, and I have php WEB site hosted with Let's say Godaddy or whatever. I need to connect this WEB to my MYSQL. How can i do that?

Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks.
You will not want to do that, or you will face to slow performance. External db server is not something optimal, unless it's connected with web server within one LAN
Having you Data Base on a home server would not be recomanded. If your on a residential connection then you probably don't have fast up speed unless your on a T1 connection and up. Find a host with mysql installed on there servers then go from there.
This is definitely not the way to set this up.

Instead us PhpMyAdmin to export the database to an .sql file. Then find a host that has cPanel Hosting which comes with PhpMyAdmin. You can then use PhpMyAdmin on the hosting server to import the .sql file into the MySQL database on the server.

Also stay away from Godaddy. They suck and haven't made a profit since they have been in business. Do you really want to do business with a host that doesn't know how to profit from offering services?
They suck and haven't made a profit since they have been in business.
Do we have proof of that?

Apparently, the owner says it's not true:
Go Daddy became a registrar in November 2000, and brought its unique business philosophy - high customer service, competitive pricing, and straight forward products - to that market. Within less than a year, Go Daddy became cash flow positive and profitable. It also became the number one registrar in the world in terms of net new names.

The fact that they changed their mind about the IPO is indirect proof that they didn't necessarily need funds from that to keep on going.
This would be the sample php string for the mysql connectivity :


// we connect to and port 3307
$link = mysql_connect('yourlocalhostip:3306', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password');
if (!$link) {
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
echo 'Connected successfully';


You can try if the connection status by following the same.