Computer Woes!!


New member
My XP laptop died on Saturday. Since then she has been a Vista machine twice, and a linux box once. Nothing has worked-Vista had a software clash with the anti virus and it disabled a ton of drivers. Repair failed, there was no restore point. Second install, put another anti virus on it and it started blue screening every five minutes!!

So Ubuntu it was, but there was no wireless support for my WLAN card. I spent three hours trying to use ndiswrapper through the command line, before, after three days I just gave up. I need to work.

XP it is. I still hate Vista. I like Ubuntu, I just wish that I had a more compliant machine. :crash:
I'm with you on the Vista hatred.
Good maybe for people who have the money for a very high end machine but don't have a clue what they are doing when it comes to computers.
That's about it.
I have a 4 year old laptop that works better with XP than a brand new computer with 3 times the power on Vista.
I always fear the days I will have to sit and fight with a computer to make it work. I have better things to do with my time than fight with a machine. Good luck in the fix, or the RIP of the laptop pending its gone for good, it sounds like your laptop is mad at you.
She's getting over the confusion from her spat with schizophrenia. The changes of personality, too many for one weekend.....

She's doing ok now. Stable, fast, almost set up. It has been a fight, and its driven me half insane. Vista is the devil, I just wish I could afford a mac...
Glad to hear that your laptop is doing better. The last time I had a machine go down, I swear I had withdrawal symptoms. Second day had me wandering around, very restless and looking for something to do. Can you say addicted? lol
Oh yes I'm addicted too, I know that feeling. But I wasn't suffering withdrawals because she never left my side :P I was always working on her in one way or another trying to get things going again, so I guess I didn't have chance to withdraw.
Vista is ok if you are one of the lucky ones. Some people have a machine that is perfect for it, has all the right hardware that is all supported. But there is a very definite element of luck to whether or not it works for you.

When it does, its still a pain because of all of the confirmations that it makes you do.

I also hate Vista and I will only switch to Vista when XP is no longer supported. I have my work computer that has Windows XP Professional and my laptop of 3ish years has Windows XP Media Center and I couldn't ask for 2 better machines. I hate those days when you have alot of work or odds-n-ends you need to finish up and your computer is in a mood. The last time my computer went down I drove from Iowa to Ohio to meet the owner of TheHosted ( so she could fix my computer. I've known the owner for years but never actually meant. She rewired my computer and put a secondary harddive in for me absolutely free (not counting parts) and my computer has never worked better. Granted having my computer go down was an excuse for us to finally meet. We has a great time and I do plan on going out that way again in the future.

When it does, its still a pain because of all of the confirmations that it makes you do.

I could be wrong since I do not have Vista but, I read where you can disable that feature.
You can only disable the feature in versions above Vista Home. I had only bog standard home, and this feature wasn't available. I tried....

I'll never like the thing, it's become personal :D
Allegedly (because I haven't looked at the early releases myself) Microsoft has fixed many of the more egregious problems in Vista with the upcoming version of the OS (Windows 7). link

Then again, Vista is so's not difficult to improve on that. Hyping it less and coding it better would be a good start.