Come home to...vandals?


New member
After deciding yesterday to have an extended vacation and spend an extra day out of town we came home to "F--- off" spray painted on our window, on furniture, floors, tvs, computers, remotes, phones, tons of goodies. Still totaling the damage, and waiting for cops to show.

It seems as though only the upstairs was effected, and the person we had checking on the cats said they left on Friday and it was fine, on Saturday they came in and it was spray painted. They've already started the report with the police, called them right away apperently - which was nice. However, because we were planning on moving out of this place, and the extra renter's insurance wouldn't have been worth it we decided not to get the renters insurance.

Cops are here. Pictures later.
Were things stolen or was this straight vandalism?
It sounds very targetted. Do you have any enemies? A recently fired employee?

I hope things are not as bad as they look on the surface John.
Gah, got to hate it when that happens. Whats peoples motive for that, theyre obviously not getting anything out of it. Stupidity!
Whats peoples motive for that, theyre obviously not getting anything out of it.
This could be a person that was very angry with him, and did not know how to deal with his anger.

I am sorry to hear that this has happened to you, John. The unpleasant spray painted message looks like it is probably coming from someone that either knew you personally or was somehow affiliated with you (client, employee) as Blue mentioned.

Hopefully, you and law enforcement will be able to clean up this mess.
That's not good news at all.. Its too bad things like that still happen, especially to people you know. John, I hope the police finds those responsible so you can proceed with court action to get compensated for damage. You don't necessarily need insurance, but let's just hope police catches these... idiots.
Wow! That's definitely unexpected, gratuitous and scary. I think I would prefer (maybe prefer isn't the right word, but anyway) a theft instead of targeted vandalism.
Well, cop is dusting for fingerprints right now, battery is about to die on laptop. Will be getting pictures developed tonight. Will keep you updated...bye bye battery!
Lettin' the better half talk to the cops with the neighbors. I had to come in to print of the list of damages. Personal damages total $8,240 - that's without landlord's totals on the walls, doors, etc.

The neighbor kid is 8, he is uncontrolled, and the mom blames everything on meds. Like how he started her stove on fire this weekend - he didn't have meds. And the reason he took our mail out of our mailbox, no meds. ARGHHHH!

Ok. I have to go develop pictures now and grab some food. Cop is taking final statements from neighbors who witnessed him. I'll share pictures tonight.
John, thanks for the ongoing updates, but be careful not to give out too much information (in case it might complicate the investigation).

Was it the neighbor's kid??

$8,240 :crap:
Yeah, neighbor's kid - and yeah...over $8,000. I'm not too concerned about complicating the investigation. Honestly only one person around here knows about HostingDiscussion - and that's me :)

At any rate case is kind of closed right now. Final updates: Found out one cat had been painted, but had been painted but licked clean. The case will be forwarded to juvy, and DHS, and we should be hearing from some detectives soon.

*sigh* - I finally got to clean out my car just now...and run the GPS cord properly (bought a GPS last week, very sweet). Next I'll be cuttin' the center console to mount the invertor, and buyin' a laptop mount. But - that's another story :)

Gonna go to bed, been a long day. Thanks for all the support. Will post the neat pictures when I get them back. :)
John, now that they know who it was, I really wish you can cover the damages (at least part of it).

Have some good rest, tomorrow is a new day which, I hope, is going to be a positive one.

Looking forward to pictures.

Geez, that really sucks. Sorry to hear of the unfortunate incident, John.

But you should (really) consider yourself lucky. With no renter's insurance, had you not found the culprit, you'd be on the hook for all your own damages plus those to the landlord, no? At least now, even if you don't have ins coverage, you can go after the neighbor for damages.

John, that does suck.

Have you considered pressing charges?

The fact is, where were these parents? Why weren't they watching him? Why did this kid not have his medication if he needs it?

It sounds like the parents were not doing their job, and you ended up being the victim because of it.

If it were me, I would press charges, and make sure the kid and his parents are made to take full responsibility for his actions. As a parent, it's the last thing I want to say, as I would lose my mind if something happened to any of my children, but it's possible that these parents simply cannot give this kid the attention or care that he needs, and maybe he would be better off in a facility that handles this kind of thing.

If it truly is his medication or lack thereof, then a detention center, I believe is not the answer, but instead maybe a treatment center.

This kid definately needs help, that his parents cannot seem to provide.
Vito, The landlord was pretty cool about the whole situation, he has insurance on all his properties (we're good friends with the landlord) and he said he'll just have his deductible added into the total costs that we sue for ($250) and then his insurance will cover up to $3,000 of his damages.

Mark, we will be pressing charges. I don't care who it was, if it was my own son I would press charges.

This kid runs the neighborhood without supervision. I have seen him a mile away from home without a shirt or shoes. The kid needs to be taken away from his mom. She obviously doesn't care, I think she has him only for the child support and other "benefits".

I have to call the humane society today about the cat being spray painted and see if we there is something special to charge because of that.

--2hrs later I come back and realize I didn't hit "Post Quick Reply".
John ... sorry about your troubles ... but it sounds like you have a good handle on things.

About 15 years ago I came home from vacation and found I had been robbed ... $10,000 worth of stuff taken. But the only vandalism done was one of the guys spit out a candy from a dish I had on the table onto the carpet. I often thought after that I was so lucky no vandalism was done. Bad enough being robbed ... but felt the vandalism would feel like more of a "personal attack". My case ... it turned out the 2 teenagers next door did it ... but took the cops almost 2 years to figure it out. The family had moved before I got back from vacation (I was gone for 2 months).

I hope everything resolves for you quickly and you can start working passed all this. Emotionally, it might take a bit of time.

Take care
I'm just waiting on the detectives to finish their investigation so I can go file against our neighbor in small claims court.

Thanks for your kind words Peter, I'm not really bitter so much as I am just a bit disappointed.
Alright, I can post this:
The police officer questioned the kid in private (away from mom) and as soon as he did the kid stopped denying everything and admitted to it all. On tape, but he did name another kid from down the street so now they have to question him too.

At any rate, here's the first batch of pictures.
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Very sad to hear something like this happen :(

So now are you saying there are two kids involved?

Edit - These pictures are just disgusting that someone would even ever do this.