Colour Scehemes


New member
How do you decide your colour scheme, and what colour scehems do you think look good?

Do black backgrounds look unprofessional? Do white backgrounds look boring?

Do you start with a logo and work up from there?
If this is for a company i would go light. As i read somewhere that light site companies recieve better sales. Somthing like that.

The clients dont always need the fancies, they just need the simple to navigate and find everything they need.

They dont care about the flash headers and all that.
Well, to me when i design a site i start off with a blank canvas and then start making shapes... then as i go i get ideas and then change it accordingly.. sometimes i can whip out a nice design in about 3 hours. sometimes it takes a day or 2

as far as background color: white vs. black. white is more professional.. and it does raise sales and reoccring visitors.

black backgrounds have a purpose. and you will have to use your judgement to decide what bg color you stay with..

hope that helps a little

sometimes a logo can inspire a whole site. sometimes its the name of the business.. etc, etc...