Cloud or SSD

Cloud and SSD are not polar opposites.

If your cloud storage systems are built from SSD that would be the best.

"Cloud" is a very fluffy term.
I usually take it to mean that should the "Cloud VPS's" node fail, the "VPS" comes up on another node.

SSD is fast, but SAS and SATA are just as fast if the Server has sufficient memory under "standard hosting conditions".

SSD cached SAS is how we build out our servers and "Cloud Storage" systems.
It can be hard to make a distinction between the two, as many standard VPS are marketed as "Cloud VPS" merely as an attempt to capitalize on the popularity of the buzzword.

If one compared a VPS with an actual cloud server (a virtual server on a hypervisor spanned across a cluster of dedicated servers) there would be some obvious advantages of going with a cloud server opposed to a VPS.

The primary advantage would be that your data would be much more redundant. This redundancy means that drive failure or other catastrophe would not equal lost data. Now plenty of VPS are "backed-up" using RAID cards and multiple drives, but the on the cloud your data would remain available throughout the drive replacement as it would "float" over to another server within the cloud environment.

That's an excellent feature. But with every feature, there is an added cost. A true cloud server will cost a few times more than a VPS with similar resources. The only question at this point would be, "how important is that data?"

If your answer is "mission-critical," then you will want to do your homework and identify a reputable cloud server provider. But if not, a cloud would likely not be worth the added investment and a solid VPS will suffice.
Cloud is not storage its a marketing word. SSD is a piece of hardware for storage. HD vs SSD, it depends rather you need more IOPs or if you need more data capacity.
It can be hard to make a distinction between the two, as many standard VPS are marketed as "Cloud VPS" merely as an attempt to capitalize on the popularity of the buzzword.

Cloud has nothing to do with storage. SSD is a type of storage drive therefore it may be mounted on a cloud server or on an ordinarily dedicated server. There are several advantages of SSD vs HDD. For that reason at our company we decided to offer both so that disk hungry clients choose HDD while speed oriented clients opt for SSD
A server-based SSD function as a cache in the server or as persistent storage. SSD (Solid-State Drive) is the future of the cloud. In simple terms, SSDs are a storage gadget that stores non-volatile information with the use of solid-state memory. SSDs are quite similar to computer memory. In order to enhance the performance & computing power of all the systems. Most of the cloud-hosting providers make use of SSD, which acts as a cache. It can reduce the data access time of the system.

SSDs in the cloud is widely used for the sake of storage. SSD improves computing time due to the reason that data resides directly on the server but not on an external storage array.
Assuming you meant Cloud vs Lone server then I choose cloud.

Assuming again you meant HDD vs SSD then I choose SSD

So lets add Cloud and SSD to come up with my best combination