CIHOST = Worst


New member
To make a long story short.

1 year AFTER I cancelled my service with CIHOST... I'm getting calls from collection agencies wanting me to pay for this past years service even after I canceled.

I'm going to have to pay around 500 dollars for something I didn't use. Even after talking with their "Customer Service" for over and hour they did not resolve this.

I wouldn't recommend this company to my worst enemies. If you are thinking about CIHOST dont do it! If you ever want to cancel your service.. document EVERYTHING and start looking for a lawyer.
I am very very sorry to hear about your experience. I've been hearing a lot of stories like yours in recent years. Seems like they never stop.
Yeah and to make matters worse.. After being force to pay for another year even though he canceled.. now they refuse him service.. they wont even put the server online!

Thats a shame. Did you contact their billing department as well, to see what exactly they were charging you for? Sometimes in companies there is a little lack of communication between the customer care/service and their billing department if they are not on the same page.

Also I had one question: You stated that you had cancelled service and that it was your server, then later you mentioned that "After being force to pay for another year even though he canceled.. now they refuse him service".

This isn't meant in anyway against you.....I'm just confused (maybe because its Friday :D )

Actually it was a friend but the server was part mine (in his name) He fought and fought against paying for another year but didn't want to go to court in Texas (we are on the east coast) Now after paying for a nother years service they won't even set the server up so basically he(we) paid 500 bucks and received nothing.

I just wanted to get the word out about CIHOST.. there are a lot of people that have been ripped off by this company. Not only that but their servers suck!
What I would do is have him call directly to try to resolve the issues, as most companies can only handle billing issues/credits for the person who's name is physically on the account.

Its still a shame how some companies handle things with regards to customer care.

Least thats my 2 cents.
We have both called.. there's nothing we can do.. legally maybe yes but the money it would take to get justice is not worth it. I know this is exactly what they want and I'm sure it will happen again to someone else.

Just read through your posts. I too have had a terrible time with CIHOST billing, so I am leaving them. I had hosted 3 sites at one time on their shared unix package. When I decided to cancel the first one, I informed them that they are not to charge my credit card for it and that I was cancelling it. They charged my card anyway. I fought witht he billing department, and they eventually refunded only some of what the charged, taking a $90 service charge.

Next, when it was time to renew another site, I told them to not use the credit card that they had int heir records, as I wanted to change that. They used it anyway. So that's it...when the year runs out for my teo sites still there, I will not renew.

I'm glad I read your posts..I will be sure that I make it clear that I am cancelling the sites.

They are real dirtbags, and there is a lot of bad press about them out there.

I suggest you file a claim with the Better Business Bureau of West Texas (you'll see that CI HOST already has a horrible record there.) You might also wish to file a claim with the IFCC ( You probably won't get your money back, but at least you can play a part in getting some justice for all those who have been ripped off by this company.

Good luck!
CI Host does suck. While I never had billing problems, I had coloed a box there and the uptime SUCKED.

cjhhiv said:
CI Host does suck. While I never had billing problems, I had coloed a box there and the uptime SUCKED.


We've had few boxes Colo'd with them, and yup, i must admit that the uptime sucked and the support sucked. It seemed that every time we needed either them to do it took ages, plus, sending the equipment in, we've lost one for like a year before we had a case opened, regading the lost of a box.

CIHOST sucks big time, over and over. Secondly, they never stop contacting you, even years after the service is done. :cool:
llama said:
I suggest you file a claim with the Better Business Bureau of West Texas (you'll see that CI HOST already has a horrible record there.) You might also wish to file a claim with the IFCC ( You probably won't get your money back, but at least you can play a part in getting some justice for all those who have been ripped off by this company.

Good luck!

That sounds like the most appropriate solution so far. :thankyou:
Just did some research....
"The Bureau received 155 complaints against this company during it's three year reporting period. "

"This company has stated on their website they are members of the Better Business Bureau and participants in the BBB On-Line Reliability Program. This company is not a member of this Better Business Bureau and is not included in the Better Business Bureau's On-Line Reliability Program. "

Can you say scam?
They almost sent my business broke

I tried to get set up with CIHost with a dedicated server system, and had massive problems, like:
- Promises of delivery dates repeatedly broken
- Incorrectly configured systems
- People all trying to pass the buck to someone else
- Being put on hold for over an hour (several times)
- Phone calls and online chats cut off
- Loss of customers due to emails being lost (cost me lots of money and loss of goodwill with my customers)
- Nobody prepared to take responsibility for anything
- Refusal to give me a refund
- Legal threats against me

I had to move to another hosting provider - what a relief! I have now had dealings with 8 hosting providers when working with various companies, and this is singularly the worst experience I have ever had.

Don't touch them! Don't even go near them!
They just sent my friend ANOTHER bill for 600 dollars. This is what a year or two after the first time he got a bill for services he had canceled years ago. I can't believe this. How can they get away with this?

Whatever you do DO NOT use this company. They will scam you years to come for hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
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Sounds like you may need to contact a lawyer on this issue. Or someone who may be abke to help you. This is not something you have to put up with and if you pay them your not going to get rid of them.. So.... Make sure you have all your records so that if you attend court that your not on the loosing end. Once you go to court and if you win you can then have them pay for any and all fees that you have encountered to resolve this issue. I do want to say that I am so sorry for your luck and I wish you all the best in resolving this issue.