
A ChargeBack dont want to get them.... The charge depends with which payment gateway you are with.

I know WorldPay is either £10 or £15 then plus the charge (I think - could be wrong)

But with 2checkout as long as you refund the money taken - dont have to worry about that.

Myself pay all chargebacks out - at the end of the day its peoples money. And I dont want to take money unless the customer is satisfied.
Hey David!!!
Havent seen you in a longgggg time!
With 2CheckOut you still have to pay a fee for a chargeback, I think its $25.

A chargeback is when the money is taken out from your account without you refunding so theres no way you can give the money back, unless the person that done the chargeback reverses it
Never had a charge back, really never had a problem with a customer, only one that was a tos violation, i sent her to another host for free.