Can you change users password through horde/sqmail


New member
Anyone know if users can change the password of their email accounts through horde or squirrelmail?

I have a site which I give users email addresses through but I set it up manually and to do that, I need the password.
Im sure some wouldnt want anyone to know their password and would want to change it but not sure what else I can do (dont want auto signup for accounts)
Users can not change their password from Horde, or squirelmail. The only place they can do it is in the control panel.... or the screen right before you select if you want Horde or Squirel.

Yeah thats what I have been doing for over a year on the site but some people wouldnt want to use it as I would have to know their password.

Wish that feature was available because I would find it very useful...
Thanks Jonathan :)
Might be a way to do it by editing the files and doing the same as is done through the control panel by adding a form to a new page in the options.

Dont know why someone hasnt added it before as both are open source