I worked with Southern California Edison for a number of years, and while there are energy problems, much of it is the fault of the state and/or the government itself. When they deregulated the electric industry, it allowed private investors to own the powerplants and sell the energy etc. The problem was, many of the power plants were REQUIRED to shut down by the government - this causes the energy problem as the laws were also preventing NEW plants to be built. And then tack on California's EPA and other laws, and it creates a bug problem.
The over inflated rates on property sure are a problem, but if you want to live there, you get to pay the price and suffer through it. I moved 2 years ago after living there for almost 20. There are many benefits to living there.
With regards to the TVs, I think it's a joke that they ban the sale. Dan is right about people going to another state to purchase, also since the effect doesn't go in place for another year or something it really doesn't cause much of an issue as most of those older TVs are not sold anymore anyway!
Luxury tax is a nice idea, I wish the entire country went to a VAT system rather than how we are currently set up. The more things you buy the more tax you pay - end of story. If you have the money and want to buy a new car, go for it - I don't think there should be a penalty for me making more money than Bob does however. Just because I worked hard, make money and now want to spend it on things I WANT (rather than NEED), I'm being penalized? That's as bad as the government taxing me more because I was successful in my investments!
Sometimes I think the government is very backwards in how they deal with things.