cafepress and designs


New member
A web site I am connected to is thinking about starting selling t-shirts etc at But neither them nor I am very good at designing things and so we were wondering if there is anyplace which specializes in creating designs for cafepress products. They should not be to expensive.
So how does cafepress work? Do you only pay them if you sell items or do you have to pay whatever?
:D Unfortunately the only thing you have to do to use them is be creative, they sell your designs and handle everything else. You define your markup (they have minimum prices and stuff for each item and postage) so you get that amount over what they charge :)

You'll need some ideas for anyone designing though - otherwise it's just theirs. If you have ideas I can point them at Kyle (who is damn good :D)

Obviously PM it as you don't want to expose your ideas to the world :cool: