- appraisal help

To some Brooklyn recording company it might be worth something. To an average Internet user - registration value.
I think you could get more than reg value from anyone. However, as Astashes said, anyone from that area will pay a lot. it's better to advertise locally.
How do I go about selling it?

Thanks for the advice. Can you give me some pointers on how I actually go about selling it to get the mose money from it?
I would have tried classified ads in a local (Brooklyn that is) newspaper. If you are smart about it, you never know what some people would pay for the name.

I recommend advertising the potential start of a company called "Brooklyn Records", not the actual domain. Just make it sound like you can start a great company with a great name at [THIS] price. Or, if you don't want to post the price, tell people to contact you for pricing.
- domain: brooklynrecords
- tld: com
- length: 15
- brooklynrecords contains no hyphens
- brooklynrecords contains no digits

Adjusted for word count of 2:
Total internet occurrence value : 985.86
Total internet market value : 12
Search frequency value : 0
Proper Name Value : 0

Appraisal Value of
- Dollar Value is $3178