Black Friday?


New member
So. Black Friday is round the corner!

Why has this forum not had a discussion about it yet? What kind of deals are people in search of and maybe hoping to see available?
I was on the lookout for a HP Chromebook x2, which retails for $599, but I hoped for a much deeper discount than $50. So I will likely just continue to be on the fence. I am not even sure I need it that badly.

Other than that, I had nothing in particular that I need. I never spend money on stuff if there is no critical need for them, no matter if they are on sale or not.

What do you have your eyes set on?
I was on the lookout for a HP Chromebook x2, which retails for $599, but I hoped for a much deeper discount than $50. So I will likely just continue to be on the fence. I am not even sure I need it that badly.

Other than that, I had nothing in particular that I need. I never spend money on stuff if there is no critical need for them, no matter if they are on sale or not.

What do you have your eyes set on?

For myself personally, nothing, just like you I hate spending money.
But christmas is fast approaching and I find no better time than black friday to go christmas shopping and saving a little here and there due to discounts.

They are never amazing discounts but a saving of any amount has to be good.

I like these kind of conversations because it gives me idea's as to what I may like to get but had not yet thought of.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday came and went. I got a new keyboard - but it wasn't on sale :)
Black Friday and Cyber Monday came and went. I got a new keyboard - but it wasn't on sale :)

I love me some good keyboard! :D

Seriously, I've only had a few keyboards, but what a difference a great typing experience makes. But then I write a lot on a daily basis. I don't always go for the expensive one, but I am super OCD about finding the right one.

Which one did you get?
Sadly, the keyboard came and went. I don't recall the model number, but the "click depth" (yes it's a thing) and the noise was too much to get used to. It was around the $110 mark, as it seems most keyboards are these days,

I'm back to my trusty Logitech K520.

But, in the return, I picked up some new headphones (Bose Quietcomfort 35 II), and boy are they nice! Even just wearing them for noise canceling (without music) is great. It syncs to both my phone and computer via Bluetooth, and making calls on it is a breeze. It's weird hearing my internal voice when talking on the phone rather than hearing surroundings - BUT - I've found I also talk a lot quieter, and the client can't tell the difference.