Bandwith Usage


New member
Do your clients use over 30Gs of BW a month? I know it depends on the site and alot of factors.

I'm trying to get a feel on bandwith usage and so on. Or simply put. is 30gigs a nice amount for a business website? Lets say your own.
I don't think you would have any troubles with running your site off 30gb bandwidth.. should have a bit extra which would be good when you grow and get more users.
30GB would be far too much for a new site I think, unless it has download files or expects a HUGE amount of hits when its just starting.

Only a developed site would need around 30GB or one that uses a lot of images, download files etc.

You cant really give an overall figure which is good for any site, you just have to be individual for each site, every site would use a different amount.

You could have a small business site which is run in a small town that might use up to 5mb bandwidth/month or a large business which might have a few stores in large area which would use GBs of bandwidth.

It just depends on how many people visit a site and the size of each page.
Also, files available for download could use a lot of bandwidth, but again, this depends on how many people download the file..

Theres a lot to think about for how much bandwidth is needed for a site really
The average site on my servers use 500MB - 2GB in bandwidth per month.

But then I have some resellers and some larger message boards on my site that use 5-20GB bandwidth.

I would say that 30GB is more than enough. Most business sites wont need more than 5GB
30 GB is ALOT of transfer. Most of our customers dont use more then 1 or 2 GB.

Some of our higher end ones use 30 or more, but they are established sites and have consistantly grown over the years.

Also, depends on the content of your site (as mentioned by John) - If users are downloading large files or you have many large images on your site, you will tend to use more bandwith...