Automatic account setup? I need some help


New member
How do I provide automatic account setup? Once the customer has paid, how will I be able to have to computer automatically setup the account package once we have recieved payment?
A billing program such as ModernBill or WHMAutoPilot will allow instant setup of packages on a WHM/cPanel server.
WHM actually comes with a download, in the account section, for pulling this off.

However, it doesn't include any payment notification, so it won't really be automatic upon payment.

You have some alternatives though....

- ModernBill
- phpCoin (free)

I don't recommend whmAutoPilot for security reasons.
We use PhPcoin and it doesnt automatically set up the account. It just puts an order in for someone who wants hosting. Then you (the admin) finds out their email address and emails them to confirm. Then you have to set it up. I guess it makes things a little easier.
You could write your own script using the WHM API so that when you have confirmed payment (most payment processors will send a POST request to your website) you trigger the API to setup the account.

Little tip: make sure that when creating an account automatically that a) the username is valid (i.e not too long/illegal characters) and b) the username doesn't already exist. To check that the account has been set up, you can do a list of all accounts and then check the list for the username you tried to register.

Sounds simple in theory ;)
dubs said:
We use PhPcoin and it doesnt automatically set up the account. It just puts an order in for someone who wants hosting. Then you (the admin) finds out their email address and emails them to confirm. Then you have to set it up. I guess it makes things a little easier.

I guess so... but that sounds like it just does the work of an email or contact script, and thats not hard to make at all! It is important to have automatic billing and account creation, especially if you have a large ammount of customers. You don't want to forget the 24/7 availability although some companies think that it is best to do it all manually because then an actual person gets in touch with the customer other than just some program.... depends on the situation and how your business works.
It is important to have automatic billing and account creation

Automated billing....yes, I believe that is important. Automated account creation, IMO, is not that important. One must remember that you must still be able to handle account signups, or at least keep a close eye on them....remember we still have fraud. ;)