ASP on Cobalt RAQ's


New member
Anyone here had any exp. of running Chillisoft ASP on Cobalt RAQ's ??

I'm curious as to how many changes have to be made to the ASP code to run on ChillisoftASP
It is possible - square internet do it.
Be aware it is intensive on your resourcess.

I have personally never done it, I was tempted to dump it on Hera but as im php orientated and know nought about ASP i decided against it lol.
Bleh, I hate cobalts. Way overpriced for what you get. Just get a control panel (pleskensimetc) for cheaper and better solutions
Yeh - we used to have some raqs, but wanted to pull them out of the racks and give them a ritual burning many a time :wink:
Yeh - we used to have some raqs, but wanted to pull them out of the racks and give them a ritual burning many a time :wink:
Lol - once upon a time I "considered" them but after a couple of hours I came to the conclusion they were ok for single site servers.etc but shared hosting would probably kill em.... I now use custom built servers so I know the hardware is good, wont fall over and is upgradable :)
Also with Chilli ASP on raqs i don't think you can use Access or MS SQL DB's which would seriously reduce the usefulness of ASP. I will stand corrected if wrong.

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