apology to mods


New member
hey just a bit of an appology to the admin/moderators, i am fairly new and have tried to stick to the rules of this forum, if i posted something out of sorts then i am sorry, i didnt intentionally post anything to promote myself or my business, sometimes its just easier explaining a situation by using my own experiences as an example, thanks
It happens. We all run into it from time to time. Best thing is to not treat it as a personal attack on you, just a reminder of what can post where.

I much prefer the forums here where they give you a heads up on what you did wrong, rather than on some forums where they just delete your post and you think there was a glitch, so you re-post, then they terminate your account because you violated the terms twice! Shady business practice in my opinion :)

Thankfully the mods are all nice here, and if they don't post it in the forum, they drop an email - so it's all good.
We dropped a PM in this case. :)

Carbon Neutral, do not worry about it too much. Some people do that mistake from time to time. We do not penalize it with a disabled account if it appears to be an honest mistake. The best thing to remember is if something can be explained without referring to your business, its better not do that. :)

PS: Oh yeah, one more thing, please let's not use all CAPS in posts, if possible. :D
thanks to both of you for the replys, whilst your on here, does the review bit actually provide a bit of decent feedback, wouldnt mind carbon neutral reviewing thats all
Thankfully the mods are all nice here, and if they don't post it in the forum, they drop an email - so it's all good.
We're actually quite diabolical in private. :devil:

Take a look at what we really think about our members here (this includes you, handsonhosting, if that is your real name):


Of course, we hide our discussions so well that we can 1) post the link to this special forum and 2) fool everyone except a select few that this forum doesn't exist. :shaky:

You've been warned. :forK:
You Know - I can't believe all the stuff in that forum!! I could have sworn that you were just a nice mod, but boy oh boy was I wrong. The things you say (and others agree with). I just don't know how you do it ;)